Sunday, September 9, 2007

Wherever you go, there you are!

Well, here I am in Florida! Did I ever think I would live in Florida? No. I never thought I'd have reason to live in Florida, but Somebody else had something in mind for me that for a long time I didn't dare hope for. I'm still getting used to the idea that I am now a Doctoral student and in Vocal Performance at that, though at my age and stage in life I have learned that helping other people fulfill their vocal dreams is my new passion in life. So, rather than being in the fray and competing with all those young vocal career wannabe's, I'm focusing on how I can better help them get where they want to go. In other words, my focus is in Vocal Pedagogy as I begin working on my Doctor of Music degree at Florida State University in Tallahassee.

I am studying with Stanford Olsen, who is fabulous, but I'm hoping to learn by observation from all of the faculty here as much as I can, as fast as I can. (Yes, it's still me, even here in Florida, hence the title of this entry.) The orientation week and the first week of classes was rather overwhelming with so much information to assimilate (nothing new, right?), but my schedule is now settled and the initial "meet the new Grad Assistant" performances are out of the way. I passed both of the placement tests for undergrad level Music History and Music Theory (whew!) so I won't have to take any of the Remediation courses. The next hurdle is the written portion of my Diagnostic Exams of the first semester that are coming up this Wednesday, which I have no idea how to prepare for since they are testing me on stuff I'm supposed to already know. And after that I can really go to work to prepare for my Diagnostic Recital which will be on Nov. 14th.

Prof. Olsen and I have been discussing the repertoire that I will present for that recital, which will be more like a 20-25 minute jury (how do you like that! for all you BYU-I students out there that worry about having to sing one or two songs for your juries). I'm not complaining, mind you, because I'm loving being back in the role of student. I am, however, still trying to wrap my brain around everything that is yet to be required. I know, I know, just take it one step at a time, you would tell me, and I best as I can.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great comments. It sounds like you're having lots of difficult fun. But then I know that you always hit life with everything you have. Go get em girl.